Olivia Healey Crowdsaving Campaign

Olivia Healey Crowdsaving Campaign

Donate to fund Olivia's treatment with ibogaine, the "addiction-interruptor."OLIVIA HEALEY, FEAT CROWDSAVING GOAL: $15000 • CREATED JAN 11, 2021"I can't accept that I'm going to be an addict for the rest of my life," says Olivia. Five years addicted to heroin and ____...

A Message from Rick Doblin: The Opportunity for Reflection During Social Distancing

A Message from Rick Doblin: The Opportunity for Reflection During Social Distancing

Rick Doblin, founder of MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) talks about the opportunity for reflection, healing and unification available during this period of retreat and social distancing due to Coronavirus. MAPS is a non-profit organization that has spent the last 35 years in an effort to get MDMA approved for therapeutic use. They are now in Phase 3 clinical trials for MDMA, the last hurdle before it becomes a prescription drug. Their studies show that PTSD sufferers show no sign of the disorder one year after receiving MDMA therapy in almost 70% of the cases.

Patient D: Microdosing Ibogaine for Parkinson’s

Patient D: Microdosing Ibogaine for Parkinson’s

Interviewed by Lakshmi Narayan and Eric SwensonPatient D is a 76-year old individual who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s five years ago and has been able to manage and improve his symptoms by microdosing ibogaine. He remains anonymous because of the legal status of...

Addiction and the Core Wound with Deanne Adamson

Addiction and the Core Wound with Deanne Adamson

How does IBOGA work in a single treatment when traditional rehab and therapies fail? The answer is simple. It gets to the root cause. In the opinion of addiction expert Dr. Gabor Maté, who has worked with hundreds of addicts in the course of his practice, addiction is...

The Tree of Tough Love: An Interview with Ben De Loenen

The Tree of Tough Love: An Interview with Ben De Loenen

Benjamin De Loenen is the founder of ICEERS (International Center for Ethnobotanical Research, Education & Service) a philanthropic non-profit whose mission is to educate humanity about the power of plant medicines through gathering, researching, and...

Healing the Heart of Addictive Mind with Iboga

Healing the Heart of Addictive Mind with Iboga

The heart of addictive mind is desire and attachment. The mind gets hijacked into the most pleasurable experiences, and all of a sudden the new, conditioned thought pattern is in place. What is Iboga? This is a legend about the discovery of iboga. Hundreds...

18-MC: the Synthetic Derivative of Ibogaine

18-MC: the Synthetic Derivative of Ibogaine

Stanley Glick, PhD, MD, shares his views on the past, present, and future of ibogaine and 18-MC and on the prejudice against addicts and psychedelic drugs that inhibits funding for medical research. Would you please give us a synopsis of the history of...

A Journey In Word 1 by Jack Cross

A Journey In Word 1 by Jack Cross

https://youtu.be/bLblAzuL6Rk     It is customary in the mind-manifested world to speak of Set, Setting and Intention, but I would like to begin with something you'll need to bring with you on your journey in Word, ATTENTION, and ones ability to pay with it....

Trauma Is the Root of All Addiction

Trauma Is the Root of All Addiction

Addiction is a condition that impacts body, mind, and spirit. It comes from the Latin word addictus, meaning "a debt slave," a person who has been bound as a slave to his creditor. Many people have described themselves as “enslaved” by their opioid addiction....

Is Iboga Endangered?

Is Iboga Endangered?

Iboga is one of the most effective addiction interrupters on earth. As the need for iboga increases, we face the predictable problem of developing a sustainable supply fast enough to meet global demand. We must also make sure that native African communities, who have...

Iboga Saves Progress Report

Iboga Saves Progress Report

We launched our Iboga Saves crowdfunder in October 2018 on Indiegogo, then moved to GoFundMe when our non-profit status came through. Our campaign, while garnering a lot of interest, new connections, and offers of support in kind, has raised less than five percent of...

Don’t Water the Weeds: IBOGA 101 with Trevor Milar

Don’t Water the Weeds: IBOGA 101 with Trevor Milar

Originally recorded at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2017 I’m genuinely delighted to introduce Trevor Milar. I’ve known Trevor for several years and he has been a very, very important, I guess you could even say essential component of the work with ibogaine and...

Ibogaine User’s Guide

Ibogaine User’s Guide

What is Ibogaine? Ibogaine is known as the “Addiction Interrupter.” It is the primary active alkaloid in the IBOGA tree, which is native to West Central Africa. It is a potent psychotropic substance with a long history of medicinal and ceremonial use. More recently it...